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It is time to clarify and change something!

"With my empathic and professional manner, I will gladly support you in gaining a new experience in dealing with conflicts through mediation."

MEDIATION (as an alternative dispute resolution method) is an extrajudicial , confidential and structured procedure in which the parties voluntarily and independently seek an amicable settlement of their conflict with the help of one or more mediators.

A mediation process is particularly useful if...

...the conflict is complex and confused .

...the thread of conversation between the conflicting parties is broken .

...the conflict contains strong emotions .

...the conflicting parties (must) have to do with each other in the future .

...the conflict is soon to be resolved in terms of time .

...the costs and the risk are to be kept low until the conflict is resolved .


If you like further information on mediation, I look forward to hearing from you.



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